I love Peru. Two years ago, my daughter and I were lucky enough to spend fourteen days there. Peru has amazing culture, scenery and food, but the people are beyond kind. The people on the street were so kind to us, giving us directions etc. The cabbies were all family men and lectured us in rapid Spanish about safety in the city of Lima (an exceedingly safe city, by the way). I would love to go back.
This is a handwoven hanging I bought in Pisac Market.
Pet Peeves. I have the average amount but here are my top three as I consider the topic right now:
- People who talk during movies or concerts. I'm the crabby person that asks them to please stop yapping in a schoolteacher-ish kind of way
- People who use their cellphones loudly as they shop or socialize. If a person is talking on a cell phone in the movies (see above) I go into stroke zone
- People who use too much perfume. Gag, wheeze. I'd rather smell B.O.
I almost forgot! "P" is for pugs. I love this breed. Margot Kaufmann (a writer who died far too young) said "Pugs are living proof that God has a sense of humor" I couldn't agree more. This is Sofie, My daughter's three-year-old pug. She is gracefully allowing Baby Nicholas to live in her home. Being the shrewd creature she is, I imagine that she can see all the spilled cheerios that lie in her future.
Oh, I just can't believe that people who schlep their far too young children, in strollers no less, to fiber festivals isn't in your top three! Or unsupervised children, who do horrid things to farm animals ...
Posted by: Mags | August 25, 2007 at 05:18 PM
Cute dog. It is amazing how a dog can hear anything being dropped to the floor (cheerios, a bread crumb, anything remotely edible).
Posted by: Elizabeth | August 27, 2007 at 09:47 AM