I finished reading this book today. The author is Julie Powell whose current blog is called What Could Happen?. The link is: http://juliepowell.blogspot.com/ (Typepad's posting editor continues to taunt me and I am unable to properly link the way the old system let me) I liked the book on a lot of different levels; as a food lover, as a Julia Child love, as a blogger, etc. The premise of the book is that a woman is looking at turning 30 and feels as though she needs to expand her life. She decides to go through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. She documented the year-long project on her blog. The experience was then put between the covers of a book and, to top it off, it is currently being made into a movie. In addition, Julie went from a job she didn't particularly enjoy to being a full-time author. All of this has taken place in the past five years. P.S. Please ignore the "search inside" logo - I swiped the picture from Amazon.
I really liked the book. There's a lady who is baking her way through Martha Stewart's baking book. Martha calls her from time to time to see how far she's gotten. I should try to work my way through one of the stacks of sewing books I've collected!
Posted by: Vicki | May 25, 2008 at 02:41 PM
I enjoyed this book a lot when it first came out and at that time, I barely knew what a blog was!
Posted by: laural | May 26, 2008 at 02:59 PM
I really liked this book too, even though I am so not a cook.
Posted by: Sarah | June 02, 2008 at 04:14 PM