My day began with traffic court. I had to take the morning off from work, which I am loathe to do. There were about 80 people at court, scofflaws all. We were arraigned en masse over a loudspeaker and individually went before the judge. Speeding tickets were magically turned into parking tickets. 45 minutes and $100 later I was free. I'm glad it is over because the whole thing has been preying on my mind. Did I mention I ran into not one, but two former students while I was waiting for my turn? Fun.
On the way to work I had to stop by the vet. Little Frida has an ear infection of epic proportions. A whole lotta head shakin' going on around here. Poor creature. Hope the $30 dollar ear drops fix her up. In other dog news, my daughter's little black pug Sofie is minus 37 teeth. That leaves her with five, if you are keeping score. We are all hoping that this will improve her bad breath.
After school, I went to dinner with a group of my favorite people. It was my knitting group. We proceeded to Linda's shop for the usual Wednesday night knitting and to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. We enjoyed Tequila Sunrises. Delicious and I choose to believe they are good for you. Orange juice and pomegranite syrup. Oh yeah, and tequila. Anyhoo... beyond the healthful properties, the beverage is a wonderful illustration of specific gravity. Grenadine, aka pomegranate syrup, has a relatively heavy specific gravity. Poured into orange juice, it sinks to the bottom of the glass, with the desired "sunset' effect. Science can be pretty.
And pretty yummy as well!
Posted by: Becky | May 06, 2010 at 04:11 PM
I think these are one of the most beautiful drinks!
Posted by: laura | June 12, 2010 at 09:46 PM